

As a platform, rigor aims to simplify the deployment of data pipelines for small to medium scale data businesses. We firmly believe that many data engineering solutions are far too over-engineereed for the everyday business, and that the majority of data engineering problems can be solved with a simple, yet robust, solution - enter rigor.

The number of businesses with petabyte or even terabyte scale data is so, so small that it is almost negligible when considering the raw quantity of businesses in the world. Sure, many of those companies have a large market share and revenues to match, but for the long-tail we believe that a much more streamlined approach to data engineering can be taken.

rigor was built from the ground up by data engineers, for data engineers, specifically those who are working in small to medium scale businesses. rigor aims to simplify and streamline the process of building data pipelines, and to make it as easy as possible to get started with data engineering.